Interface IVisibility

All Known Subinterfaces:
HiddenVisibility, ParentGrantedVisibility, VanillaVisibility

public interface IVisibility
The core interface of the Advancement Visibility System.

A sub-interface of IVisibility is suitable for the Advancement Visibility System if it provides a default implementation to the isVisible(Advancement, TeamProgression) method. A suitable sub-interface can be implemented by any Advancement sub-class to change the visibility of that advancement.

When Advancement.isVisible(TeamProgression) is called, it calls the default method of the first suitable interface found or returns true if no suitable interface can be found.

See Advancement.isVisible(TeamProgression) for a more complete explanation of the search algorithm.

Note that classes that overrides that method and does not call the Advancement one disables the Advancement Visibility System. Thus, isVisible(Advancement, TeamProgression) will not be called in that case.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Whether the provided advancement is visible for the specified team.